Just Suppose…. (A Compositional Study… of sorts….)

Never studied composition….
Never studied music….
Never realized how much their is to it….
Never realized that we were doing it all wrong….

Please disregard ALL previous musical posts….
We just found out that we were doing it ALL WRONG!!!

Apparently… music can only be composed on a keyboard instrument….
Went out….
Bought a book….
Read part….
Of the Introduction….
Found out we’ve been doing it ALL wrong….

Apparently… four compositional methods exist….
Harmonic composition… which means chord changes come first….
Melodic composition… which means the melody of the song comes first….
Holistic composition… which means you really know what you’re doing… and you compose the melody and the harmony at the same time….
Layered composition… which means you create different parts separately… and assemble them piecemeal….

Excuse me….
Five compositional methods exist….
All Wrong Composition… which means you don’t know what you’re doing… but you refuse to let that stop you… which was our chosen… and misguided methodology….

Now… we’re less ignernt…. Better eticated…. We bought a book… and read just a bit….

And… this is the result….
This was composted on a pianer….
Just like it was supposed to be….
So… it’s… better….

Just Suppose….
Featuring special ghost artist… A. Ghost….
From Unaffected Transcendence….

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