Monthly Archives: April 2015

A Fishy Tale

This morning I decided to work on sequential editing. As in… splicing together longitudinal sequences of recorded material. Getting things lined up. Splicing out things that I didn’t want in the final cut. This is what I came up with…. A story about the South. A story about style. And… a fishy tale about fishing… Southern style….

This is a very long story. Just over 30 minutes….

Took me most all day to get it to upload. Had to drop the quality to low. I apologize, but….

Kinda reminds me a bit of Jerry Clower. But a lot longer.

Dancing Bear (extended incomplete version)

Wright-Wang Extreme Mystery, Inc.

by BaHR
30 March 2015
06 April 2015 2222

Had a little job that I needed to do
So I sweetly said goodbye to you.
I let the backdoor slam as I turned to leave
Feelin’ like I just might finally be free…
Not knowin’…
How wrong… a man… can be….

I guess a rodeo clown mighta been a smarter job;
I couldn’t’ve looked any dumber if I’d been hoppin’ clods…
But my pride sure seemed to get the best of me
At that moment… as I was just about to see….
Just how wrong… a man… can be….

Well, I was Dancing Bear in the soft moonlight….
Dancing Bear by myself tonight….
How I wish you were there…
In your bear skin…
Dancing Bear….

The costume the gave me was a frightful sight
And the moon was shining way too bright that night
For me to find a place……

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